
Mr. William G. Wawrzyn

Mr. William G. Wawrzyn
About me: 
(Retired) Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Senior Fisheries Biologist. Since retiring in 2015, I've remained active in volunteering for habitat restoration and conservation projects in the Milwaukee River Basin and Estuary. FS and design projects including: MMSD's Menomonee R concrete removal and fish passage, V. of Thiensville-Ozaukee Co. Milwaukee R. Thiensville Dam fish passage, MMSD Milwaukee R Kletzsch Park fish passage, MMSD Milwaukee R. Estabrook Dam removal, MMSD ACOE Menomonee R Estuary Burnham Canal wetland project, Ozaukee Co. Mole Cr habitat restoration. Currently serve on WDNR Milwaukee Estuary Fish and Wildlife Technical Committee reviewing fish and wildlife projects (i.e. MMSD Milwaukee R former North Ave Dam fish passage upgrades, former Milwaukee R Estabrook impoundment restoration, and sediment and soil remediation and habitat restoration projects along lower Milwaukee R and estuary. Currently serve as a Milwaukee Riverkeeper Board member and provide technical assistance for Riverkeeper's Nichols Creek trout stream V. of Cascade dam removal, and Gooseville Dam removal on the North Br of the Milwaukee R
Favorite quote: 
Pay It Forward and Never Stop Doing Good Things
Group membership: 
Southeastern Wisconsin - 078