Rivercourse Support
Give To Rivercourse
Thank you for considering a gift to Rivercourse. Much of the cost of Rivercourse is dictated by the facility we choose to host the camp. Our partners at Lake Logan provide an ideal setting for learning and relaxing, excellent food, and wonderful accommodations for our campers and volunteers.
Your tax-deductible gift to Rivercourse is an investment in our sport and our young people and will go directly toward to the programs we offer during the summer. Our Camp Staff; the Directors, Instructors and Individuals who take care of our website are all volunteers giving cheerfully of their time to make our world better for generations of angler-conservationists.
Note: Please copy and paste the form to a Word Document. Send the completed form and a tax-deductible gift to:
c/o Greg Norman
4012 Wallbrook Dr
Matthews, NC 28105
City______________________State_____________________Zip Code____________________
Select a Gift Amount
$10 _____